Thursday, February 21, 2019

Y - Mayers

In Germany the family name was spelled Maier.   My grandparents would pronounce the name w/ a long I sound and skip over the A completely.  My parents though preferred to say it w/ a long A and skip the Y.  I understand what caused the difference and don't really care which pronunciation is used.  Some people seem concerned about my indifference.  Not sure why.

When I went to bed at 10 p.m. the plow guy hadn't yet shown up.  I assumed he would come in the morning.  However at 6 a.m. when Indy and I went out for our constitutional, everything had been plowed!  Neither Indy nor I had heard anything.  Felt like I was in the fable The Shoemaker and the Elves.


Anonymous said...

I am like you - don't care which way they say Mayer. When folks ask me how come, just say I am trying to respect my folks and my grandparents.


Anonymous said...

That's a nice picture of Uncle Russ and Aunt Donna!

Anonymous said...

What are you guys talking about? I never heard anything except with a long "a"???