Tuesday, January 15, 2019

H - Ghost Pipe

Picked up three packages at the post office this morning.  Was happy when I opened up the first package.  I'd received an e-mail notice that 'Delivery Attempted' but it needed a signature and to follow the note left for instructions.  We'd had a smattering of snow yesterday so I know the delivery truck didn't come into my drive and there was no note.   Turn's out 'Delivery Attempted' is a default message and in this case meant 'Your package is waiting for you at the Post Office'.  Perfect.  The second package had breakable items so there was a lot of packing material.  Once I removed the items I set the box on the floor and let the cats have at it.  The third package was a tube.  I unrolled the picture tucked inside.  It was a drawing of a darling hippo w/ some grass hanging out of it's mouth.  Didn't look at all like the poster I had ordered plus the invoice inside had someone else's name on it.  I contacted the company and they said to keep the picture as their gift and they would send what I ordered immediately.  Thought about who might like a picture of a hippo and came up blank.  Decided to take it to the Post Office tomorrow and pay to send it to the lady on the invoice.   Assume the company will be sending her another copy but she's my best bet at someone who would know people who are into hippo drawings.

'Ghost' is an example of what I blogged about yesterday.  When a word starts w/ 'GH' it has a 'G' sound.  This flower used to be called 'Indian Pipe' until that became politically incorrect.  Actually since these plants lack chlorophyll and are only found in the rich soil of the deep dark forest, 'Ghost Pipe' seems more apropos.

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