Saturday, December 22, 2018

Pine Marten

 Pictures from my friend Barb Odegard.

Got up this morning w/ a list of things to do.  Washed the car.  Picked up some groceries.  Checked in for my mail at the post office.  (Thank goodness they didn't get shut down.)  Indy and I went traipsing through the woods looking for a Christmas tree.  Had decided not to cut down the big tree I'd planned on earlier in the year but went looking for a small sapling to put in a bucket outside the front door.  I finished up reading the mystery that is due back to the library today and then made cheese tartlets.  I'd bought pecan tartlets at the store for comparison.  The store-bought ones were flaky but lacked any taste. (Well, they were 1/2 priced.)  My baking efforts got off to a rocky start.   Substituted ricotta cheese for cottage cheese (can't stand cottage cheese) and, when I realized I'd forgotten to add whipping cream to the shopping list, substituted 1/2 sour cream and 1/2 whole milk for it.  Surprisingly the little tarts taste great!

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