Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Nightshade berries in winter

Indy had been drinking a lot of water so we went to the vet to see if there was an issue.  He said she has a low grade infection and he thought she'd probably had it for awhile.  He gave me some pills to knock that down.  He also said it wouldn't hurt to give her set feedings of specific amounts.  "She really looks forward to the treats I give her inside a hollow ball. No problem giving those to her?" I asked.   The vet agreed and spun into a involved explanation of the effect 'enrichment toys' have on a pet's psyche.  OK.  'Just a spoonful of peanut butter helps the medicine go down' so the pills were no problem.  She did check her bowl a few times during the day but ate heartily when I did set out her food.  Tonight when I got home from volunteering at the library she was waiting, ball in mouth, by the treat jar.  So happy the vet didn't make me into the Grinch.

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