Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Harvesting Corn

There is still some standing corn in the fields.  Much of the corn was cut up into silage to feed cattle but corn kernels need to be of certain dryness level to be stored/sold.  This can be accomplished by putting the kernels into a dryer or just letting them stand in the field until that dryness level is reached.  I saw the bright lights of the combine come on in the field across the road last night just before I went to bed.  Combining corn in the snow requires cold temps.  Too warm and the corn stalk and snow become sludge in the machine causing the combine to clog.  The colder temps at night lets everything remain hard enough to go through intact.   This hopper of grain remained in the field during the day.  Tonight the bright lights of the tractor were shining again.  There were lights on at the ski hill too.  They like to make snow in the colder temps of night also.  We have quite the winter-time nightlife!

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