Thursday, September 13, 2018

Palm Warbler (I think)

What a mess.  Each fall the library makes out a budget and it's signed by the three municipalities that fund the library.  That signed document is sent to the county to include as part of the calculation of mil-rates for property taxes.  Last year the county treasurer's office used a much lower library budget number for this year (where it came from no one seems to know) so the library was running out of money.  The treasurer's office finally agreed they made a mistake and sent the extra money to the three municipalities to give to the library.  (I'm sure it's some legal thing that they can't give it directly to the library.)  The treasurer's office though neglected to explain the precipitating situation to each of the town boards nor state what the extra money was for.   The librarian asked to be put on the agenda for this month's town meeting where I live so she could, in person, make clear what happened.  The librarian requested me to attend the meeting also for moral support.  So I did.  Things went well, the town cut the library a check for the additional money, and the librarian left the meeting early.  I stuck around.  I'd forgotten about the gossip one hears there.  While I wouldn't want to be clerk again, I should attend more meetings.

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