Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Golden Northern Bumblebee on Autumn Joy Sedum

I like sitting on the deck next to the sedum this time of year.  It will bloom until first frost and the bees, butterflies, and ants act like the blossoms are candy.  Insects feeding on them often act a bit drunk when they fly off.  I've seen bees that kinda tumble off, land on their backs on the deck, and then look like they are break dancing as they attempt to fly off while still upside down.  No problem getting this picture of a bumblebee.  The nights are getting quite cool and in the morning I'll find bees that have spent the night immobile on the flowers.  As the sunlight reaches them, they start to stir. I'm not educated enough about their life cycles to know if these insects are destined to make it through the winter.  If not, nice they could dine on a sweet last meal.

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