Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Foggy Sunrise

I ordered my Christmas cards.  I like to do it in August.  The new cards are out by then and they are on sale.  If I wait until December, the cards I want might not be on hand or I might forget to order them until it's too late to get them out.  As it is, one of the cards I ordered is out of stock at the moment but, I'm assured, they will be sent by the end of the month.  After doing that, I spent another half hour researching the people on the ballot for my state's partisan primary.  Most of these people I've never heard of.   I had picked out a likely candidate for governor (there are 8 in the running just in one party) but on checking another site found she was one of a group of state senator's that some years ago had crossed the state line in order to put off a vote.  While it was a technically legal maneuver, I was against what they did then and it still irks me.  Went w/ my second choice for governor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Indiana, as well, a group of congress people left the state to avoid a vote. I thought that was terrible. I was working then and knew what would have happened to my job if I had left the job site to avoid something I objected to. Still have a list of these people today. Would never vote for them for anything. Luckily they were all democrats so not likely to come up on my ballot, although I have voted for some of that party at times.
