Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare)

At least I think it's a bull thistle.  Not really great at thistle identification.  This species and the Canadian thistle that also grows here have two color variations.  This common lavender color and the rarer all-white.  There is an area just south of Gorgeous Gorge where both colors bloom.   This year they aren't there.  Not to worry.  Thistles like this are biennial.  I know thistles bloomed there last year.  This year there will only be a rosette of leaves at ground level and, w/ all of the other tall plants like milkweed and goldenrod, I wouldn't be able to see them.  Next year they will put up a tall stalk and flower.   Found this thistle blooming in the meadow.  Bees love its flowers and the goldfinches love its seeds.  Me ... not a big fan.

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