Sunday, July 15, 2018

Buck in velvet

This morning Nancy cringed into the corner of the restaurant booth as a moth suddenly fluttered near her.  A waitress came over and grabbed it.  I teased Nancy a little but, in truth, seeing something unexpected is initially disconcerting.  Awhile ago I walked too close to a ruffed grouse nest and the little bird ran out onto the path fluttering it's wings around my legs.  There was nothing to fear but it startled me.  I yelled for Indy and she chased it away.  Maybe it's because of all of that background, that I stayed calm when, as I drove back through the hills after church, I felt a light plop on my leg, looked down, and saw a Gray Treefrog resting on my shin.  I pulled the car over so I could safely grab the little guy but by then he was gone - somewhere in the depths of the car.  I pulled out onto the road again.   I'd left the car's sun roof open slightly last night.  These little frogs love to climb and he either fell through the opening or purposely jumped in.  I had had the cool air blasting on the way home and he probably started looking around for a warmer location.  As I drove I turned off the A/C and  opened up all of the car windows. Just as I was slowing down to turn into my driveway, he jumped up on the window sill nearest me and w/ a wave of one stubby little green arm, 'leapfrogged' away.  OK, he didn't wave.  I've been reading too many children's books at the library.

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