Thursday, May 31, 2018

Barn Swallow

I filled in at the library this morning.  My neighbor Ricky relieved me at the desk around 1 p.m.  Decided to get in some of the shopping I didn't finish yesterday.  Drove over to the County Seat to pick up groceries.  I didn't bring Indy along as I usually do.  The heat wave has abated but it was still around 80 degrees which is too hot to leave her in the car.  When I got to the grocery store I decided to open up the top roof a little so I wouldn't come back to an overheated car.  That shopping didn't take too long but as I was leaving the sky opened up and it was a downpour.  Just like yesterday.  I walked out through it to my car and watched the rain cascading in a waterfall through the roof opening onto my front seats.  Seemed somehow apropos to stop off at a drive-thru on the way home and order a latte.

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