Sunday, April 01, 2018

Coloring Easter Eggs

My friend Kathy and I made Easter eggs.  I hard boiled them first (had to look up on the Internet how to do it) and then raided the pantry, freezer, and spice rack.  Set up six containers: (1) red onion skins, (2) turmeric seasoning, (3) yellow onion skins, (4) coffee grounds, (5) blueberries and blackberries, and (6) Ancho chili powder.  Poured hot water into each concoction's cup w/ a touch of vinegar and went to work dunking eggs.   The red onion skins have worked well in the past but this time they didn't.  Kathy gave it a boost by adding paprika and was rewarded w/ a pretty rose/pink color.  The turmeric was very successful in make a sunny yellow hue.  (Added bonus: the container had a recipe for yellow rice that I think I'll try out this week.)   The yellow onion skins should have turned the egg yellow but wasn't doing a good job either so, since we already had a yellow egg anyway, Kathy added green food coloring resulting in a soft green.  It took awhile w/ the coffee grounds but eventually they yielded a mocha tinted egg.  The berry concoction made a deep blue/purple shade.  The chili powder surprised me (I didn't actually think it would work) w/ dying the egg a spicy orange.  A fun little experiment plus both Kathy and I remarked how delicious our dyes smelled.

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