Thursday, January 25, 2018

1922 - Ernest and Mary Mayer

It's a Mayer cousin-fest: boy farthest to the left is Arthur (Christ's son), Paul  (August's son), Leonard (Christ's son), in front of him is Marian (Otto's daughter),behind her and talking w/ Leonard is John (Otto's son), don't know the boy w/ the bib overalls but the boy w/ the tie is Ernest (Carrie's son), the girl and boy next to them are known as 'Demuth' but I don't know their names, the adults are Mary and Ernest, the smallest girl in front of them is Ruth (Carrie's daughter), the boy behind her and between the adults is Leslie (Otto's son), the tallest boy next to Ernest is Arnold (Carrie's son), in front of him is Alvin (Carrie's son), in front of him is Howard (Otto's son), the girl in back is Laura (Christ's daughter), in front of her is Edna (August's daughter), next is Robert (August's son), and furthest right is Edward (Carrie's son).  The interesting thing about the photo, as my cousin Norma pointed out, is Ernest and Mary had no children.

Took a short walk out to Gorgeous Gorge this morning.  The path goes through the meadow first.  Here the dried up stems of the native grasses and flowers slow down and catch the snow driven by surface winds.  It was tough going through drifts up to my knees.  Once the path hit the hay field it was easier since the winds pick up speed over it's flat area almost sweeping it clean.  However when the ground rapidly drops away into the gorge the wind immediately slows, dropping all of the snow it was carrying in a huge drift.  I got a bit mired in the drift and was almost up to my waist in snow.  I finally laid down on top of the drift and rolled over the top til it dropped off.  Thought it was a very enjoyable walk (once I was back home).


Rachel said...

So there were some blondes in the family.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Emil's sons were? They would have been 5 and 2 years old.