Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Full moon

Frost warnings again for tonight. The earlier ones this season didn't get low enough to actually freeze but tonight there is a much better chance for our first below 32 degree temps. Everyone is going out to their gardens and picking the last of the veggies and fruit. I'd let my neighbor know he could take the grapes growing on my stockade and he harvested them this morning. I brought in the plants I want to overwinter. One of them is my golden barrel cactus. I've had it for a lot of years and it's getting too big for it's container. I could transplant it again but sooner or later I won't be able to lift it outside to the deck in summer and back inside for winter. Think it's time for it to go. Maybe my Arizona-bound brother might consider giving it a new home in his backyard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing that you are having to prepare for frost already!