Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thistle seeds

Towns usually have a 66 foot easement for their roads in this state. You can farm within the easement limits as long as it doesn't impede the public use of the roadway. When I saw a truck parked on the road a few feet beyond my driveway and a lady working on an elderberry plant on my side of the ditch, I just watched her. That bush is within the easement limit but I kinda thought it would have been polite to ask if she could pick them. However, when she brought out a shovel and began hacking away on the edge of the ditch I went out to see what was up. She said she wanted to transplant the bush on her property. Well ... not much I could say. My brothers removed the fence along the road a long time ago since I thought it didn't serve any purpose and it would look a bit nicer along that stretch of road w/o a falling down barbed wire fence. Now I realize that if the fence was still there, this lady might have thought twice about climbing over it. Of course, she did park her truck on a blind hill and was digging deep into the ground just above buried utility cables so I can't swear even a fence would have been a deterrent.

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