Monday, August 17, 2015

Prickly Lettuce plants at sunrise

Every year conditions are just perfect for some thing(s) around here. I remember the year of the harvesters where the little spider-like creatures were rampant. Last year it was bur cucumber and you didn't want to stand still too long in case tendrils started climbing up your legs. This year it's Prickly Lettuce. While I've seen the plant before, I never could quite place it. So I sat down and started looking through my books until I found it (at least I think so). Since it's common name is "lettuce" thought I would check if its leaves could be harvested. Turns out it isn't poisonous but the leaves taste bitter. You won't get any compliments on your salad if you add it to the greens. Another one of those wild plants that is "edible but you wish you hadn't."

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