Thursday, July 09, 2015

Hophornbeam blossom

My neighbor stopped his tractor as I walked through a field. "Sue," he asked, "would you try calling me a few times on your walk?" Seemed an odd request until he explained that he had lost his phone while working on machinery somewhere in the field I was about to traverse. "Sure." I replied. Been there - done that. He also asked if I'd seen more bear this year. Seems the neighbor on the other side of my property has been putting out bait. Might explain why bear vandalized the birdhouses out that way. My neighbor said he saw an unknown truck go down the driveway to his gravel pit on the 4th of July so, once he finished what he was doing, he checked on it. It was three 20-somethings from the Big City. They had been drinking at a local tavern and someone told them that "everyone" goes to the gravel pit to practice shooting guns. Doubtful. If I see a strange vehicle there, I call my neighbor and I don't hear shooting except before hunting season. Worse, the guy who lives on the other side of the gravel pit said he heard bullets hitting close to his house. From the gravel pit, because of topography and foliage, you can't see his house. If you don't know the area (as the Big City kids didn't) they might have been shooting that direction (not to mention that they had been drinking). Anyway, didn't hear my neighbor's phone on my walk. Hope he finds it.

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