Saturday, March 07, 2015

Tag Alder cones

After a cow is milked, we lift the stanchion, she walks out to the alleyway, turns toward the barn and goes back to her pen w/ it's food, water, cozy bed, and herd camaraderie. Once in awhile a cow will instead turn toward the other end of the parlor. There is a gate to stop them from getting to the end wall or going down the stairs. However, the older cows have figured out how to open the gate. If they just want to stand at the top of the stairs, we milkers usually let them (I've never seen a cow try to navigate stair steps). On Friday, I heard a noise and looked over at the top of the stairs. A cow was there, pounding her head against the back parlor wall - just as if she was tussling w/ another cow. I started laughing. Domingo gave me a questioning look and I pointed toward the cow. Of course once Domingo looked, the cow stopped what she was doing. I told him she was butting the wall w/ her head but, since I wasn't sure he would understand that explanation in English, I showed him by banging my head against the wall. Big mistake. That hurts. I started rubbing my head which did get Domingo laughing. So that's why I have a small black & blue mark on my forehead now. Thank goodness for bangs.

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