Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Downy Woodpecker

A picture from my neighbor, Doug Dearhamer.
What do you get when you have light snow, a relatively warm day, lots of strong winds, followed by a very cold night? Turns out it is polished ice on the roadways. As I neared the first intersection on my drive to work this morning, I realized I wasn't slowing down. I tried turning a bit but that just got the car going sideways. Finally was near enough to where the plows had piled snow high in the ditches by the intersection. I aimed toward the bank and hit it w/ the front drivers side of the car to bleed off some speed. That did the trick and I was quite careful the rest of the way. When I got to work I checked the car. My glancing blow w/ the wall of snow didn't seem to do any damage. Got to remember there are more dangers on the road than just deer in the morning.

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