Thursday, May 22, 2014


Jerry Vale died recently. I don't remember him from my youth. I was listening to Public Radio on the way home and at the end of the news they said they would honor his passing by playing one of his songs. I think it was "There goes my heart." Jerry was a crooner - smooth, slow, and velvety. I don't listen to much music. The current singers I do catch from time to time seem to be screaming something (not sure if I can catch the lyrics). Listening to Jerry Vale sing was a wonderful surprise. Still not really into music but I could take a Jerry Vale song occasionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear more of the words and a whole lot less of the noise that acompany's the words.
Another problem; I don't hear as fast as I used too. So I drive out of my way to attend a church that sings the old hymns hundreds of years old and they play piano, organ and harp. Sometimes a visitor will drag in a guitar. It's worth the drive. JVM