Friday, May 23, 2014

Great White Trillium

Friday, the afternoon walk consists of visiting the 16 bluebird houses. This is necessary to ensure that non-native species of birds don't take up residence. Today's hike was a bit of a challenge for me. First, I didn't take off until 6 p.m. and had been on the go since 3:30 a.m. Second, temps reached into the 70's and it was humid. I'm able to withstand cold pretty well but I start melting when it's over 60. Third, the stupid birds want at least 500 yards (1000 yards is preferable) between houses so I'm trekking up hills and through swamps to each birdhouse site. However, I was rewarded by finding a total of 31 eggs in the houses. Pretty good start to the nesting season.

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