Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tundra Swans

This is National Volunteer Month and next week is National Library Week. The Friends of the Bruce Library chose tonight to put on a pizza party for all of the volunteers. Village libraries like ours are staffed w/ one librarian and everyone else is a volunteer. The head of the Friends said she would like to get more teenage and adult reading programs started this year. Different people had ideas about projects but none of them sounded like anything I could help w/. Then the speaker said she thought there were more people using the library now than five years ago. I perked up. "Thought?" She didn't know? I asked if they had any spreadsheets or graphs showing attendance. "No" was the answer. Do they have attendance figures? "Yes", they need to report them to the different towns that support them w/ money. A couple of graphs to show trends - can do.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Looks like Spring is arriving for you at last!