Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Full Moon

I receive the Natural Resources magazine for my state and was reading an article about volunteering as a concierge at a campground. Sounded like it might be a fun thing to do. A volunteer concierge (a/k/a campground host) might greet campers, lead hikes, sell firewood, or report safety concerns. The article said every campground is different in what responsibilities might entail: "... hosts have worked with park staff to present programs on astrology, plant and tree identification, bird watching and other environmental topics." Astrology? Do people sit around a fire and listen to someone read their horoscope? Do volunteers help campers map their natal charts? Would I need to be able to explain "retrograde motion", "cusp", and "planet quincunx"? (Actually, that one I could do.) Campground concierge may not be the thing for me.  Instead, might go to the local ski hill and volunteer to search for the Yeti or Big Foot.