Saturday, March 08, 2014

Some sun

My niece talked about books called "The 5 Love Languages ...". Since I and Indy are still housebound by snow, I decided to take the on-line questionnaire to discover my preferred "love language". Wasn't surprised to find that I scored about the highest possible on the category "words of affirmation" but zero on "physical touch." Indy is in the middle of the room trying to catch her tail. I figure if she could take the test she'd score high in every category. That's a nice feature about dogs - they adore everything.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Hey, Sue! Well I'm not surprised by a zero score of physical touch for you. Kind of neat to find out what you appreciate most from people, though isn't it? I didn't know they had an online test so will have to go out and take one for myself. Suspect I'm either Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service or Quality Time.