Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ragnarok under a snowbank

The Jorvik Viking Centre announced that today is the beginning of Ragnarok - Norse mythology's version of Armageddon. It is suppose to occur after three winters in a row w/ no intervening summer. (Well ... this winter has been pretty wild.) Earthquakes will release the fierce wolf Fenrir. The great snake Jörmungandr will come out of the ocean. Frost Giants will rise up and the earth will be destroyed by fire. Life as we know it will cease to exist. Then everything is reborn. An exhilarating story but I don't think I'll cancel any plans just yet.

This picture is of my fire pit which I happen to have named Ragnarok. In case you can't tell, that's a bench, the tripod for cooking, and a shepard's hook.

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