Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Pink - Roseate Spoonbill

A picture from my friend, Kathy Novey.

Besides the obits and letters to the editor, I like to read the Sheriff's Dispatch Log in our weekly paper. A resident from a nearby town was upset w/ the local plow driver and was throwing snow at him, trying to pick a fight. (Think winter is getting to all of us.) A woman reported she got a call saying her grandson needed $1,500 immediately to cover an accident he was in. She asked if it was her grandson Craig. The caller replied, "Yes." She hung up. (She has no grandson named Craig.) A teacher contacted the sheriff's office that a bus driver smelled of alcohol. The police came immediately but a breath test showed .000 - no booze. Police decided the alcohol smell was from the hand sanitizer he used. Just wish all of the problems our police need to deal w/ were small ones.

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