Thursday, February 06, 2014

Orange - Daylilies

I have a goal of making Antonio laugh every Wednesday and Thursday when we milk together. I figure if I was working in a foreign country where I didn't speak the language (and was freezing to death) I'd appreciate a laugh. Today the herdsman tried to cut one cow out of the group of eight we had just milked and released. The cows did some sideways steps, tried to cram into a corner, and then ran past the herdsman in relief when they realized it wasn't them she was after. I looked to Antonio and said "vacas no baile" (cows can't dance) and did a little shimmy myself to show what I meant. That got him laughing. Whether it was the image of cows dancing, my really bad Spanish, or me doing the Harlem Shake, I'm not sure. Doesn't matter. I met my goal for the day.

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