Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Woods in Winter

Someone asked me why I had to work on Christmas. I replied, "The cows would cry if I wasn't there to milk them." Reminded me of Mom trying to cajole us kids into eating our eggs at breakfast. "The chicky will cry if you don't try this egg she made for you." Mom said and would go into a pantomime of a chicken burying it's head in it's wing. We lived on a farm so, even as children, we knew chickens didn't cry but it was fascinating to watch her. Therefore, I got up this morning at 3:30 a.m., put on warm clothes, drove on the wrong side of the road (that was the only side plowed after the 5" snowfall we got overnight), and wished Antonio "Feliz Navidad" before starting work. All so the cows wouldn't cry.


Pete said...

What an angel. I'm sure the cows utterly appreciate yours efforts!

I typically "sleep in" 'til 4:30am.

Anonymous said...

I remember Grandma saying this to me when I was a little kid. The guilt trip worked quite often.