Saturday, November 16, 2013

Russell cutting down dead elm

While I waited for the nursing home staff to get Aunt June ready this morning, I sat in the dining room. A man came in, leaned down, kissed a woman in a wheelchair at the next table w/ a "Hi, Mom, I've come to visit." The elderly woman asked, "Did you come alone?" "Just me today. " he replied. He sat down, took out the newspaper he had brought w/ him, and perused it. After 15 minutes he got up, kissed her again, said goodbye, and left. I'm not saying there is anything wrong w/ his visit - it's just not the kind of thing June and I do. When she arrived, we drank coffee, while I told her the latest gossip. Then we were off. Up through the new expanded section of the nursing home. Black cat and bat decorations were replaced w/ turkeys and colored leaves. We talked about them and picked up a few. Then over to the assisted living center. All of the rooms are filled now so lots of people around to wish us a good morning. We went into the chapel to look at the stained glass panels. Back to her ward where I delivered her to the dining room just in time for brunch. That's our kind of visit.

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