Friday, November 08, 2013

Hoar frosted lilac leaves

When I was working one night at the library only two people came in. After I locked up at the library I walked a block to pick up a take-out pizza and the bar was packed w/ people. A 2011 MIT study suggested that making new friends causes people to be smarter. The article I read about the research offered no analysis of the data nor size of the study group used to come to this conclusion. While there is a certain logic to the statement, I'm dubious. The two people who came in to check out library books that night would be smarter if instead they had gone to the bar? The number of "friends" you have on Facebook is the new IQ? Introverts are the dumbest people on earth? I'm thinking that there isn't a direct correlation between number of friends and "smartness" but instead the apparent link is a byproduct of something inherent to both. I'll discuss it w/ some old friends and get back to you.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Every Tuesday morning a group of us guys (sometimes Phil when he's in town) get together for coffee. Lots to be learned hearing everyone's thoughts on various topics. Many of the world's problems are solved. Hmmmm, maybe we need to publish and share this wisdom.