Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly on clover

Got a call from a lady in the town. Even though I'm not the clerk anymore, I did forge some relationships while I was and those people still call me to get information. If I can help them I do. Otherwise, I give them the new clerk's contact information. The lady just wanted to know who could attend a board meeting (there is one tonight) and what the planning meetings are (there was one last night). I told her all types of town meetings are open to the public and showed her where she can find the on-line agenda. At the planning meetings, I said, we are going through the state-mandated exercise of doing a comprehensive plan for our municipality. They tend to be deadly dull (except for the gossip). However, we would be glad if anyone wanted to come and put in their ideas. She thanked me for the info and said she and her neighbors would attend tonight's town meeting. She thought they would pass on the planning meetings. (Can't blame her!)

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