Saturday, July 27, 2013

Turk's-cap Lily

Indy and I were carefully picking our way through a part of the swamp where the undergrowth is higher than my knees. Indy was leading the way following a deer trail and I was behind her trying to feel my way over unseen rocks, depressions, and fallen tree limbs. I looked up and gasped. Must have been loud since Indy immediately turned around to come back and see if there was a problem. I'd come face to face w/ this lily. It's a native lily that used to be commonly found in the road ditches.  Now that ditches are mowed and kept drained, they're hard to find. I have never seen one here so was excited to run into this one (almost literally). Only about 160 acres but I seem to find something new every year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!