Tonight, before the librarian left, she asked me to look for the new book "Seek and Ye Shall Find" by Wiseman. The patron said he had returned it in the drop box almost a month ago. For the two hours I volunteer on Wednesday I hunted. I'm usually pretty good at this. The book should be on the "Inspirational" shelves so first I looked there (sometimes other volunteers return books to their proper place not realizing someone else is looking for them.) Then I looked under "W" in the "Fiction" area. Then in the "Young Adult", "Biography", "Oversized", and "Large Print" areas. Didn't bother w/ the "Early Readers", "Juvenile", or "Beginners" since those books are much thinner than other books and the "Harlequin" and "Westerns" are all paperbacks. It occurred to me that since this was a new book it would have a pink sticker on it. Went through all the shelves looking for a pink sticker. While I did find other misplaced tomes, I didn't find this one. Guess the title of the book was wrong.
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