The Farm Progress Days show is being hosted at a dairy in a neighboring county. The boss was looking forward to attending today and was telling us about how large it was and how many people usually attended. (Note - visitors won't be allowed in that dairy's milking parlor or barns due to bio-security concerns.) I waved a hand at the hayfield beyond the milking parlor window and jokingly suggested that he and Carol should put it on one year. He smiled but said no. "Besides," he said, "that field is only 10 acres and the show needs at least 60 acres." It was pouring rain when I left the dairy today and was coming down so hard that cars in front of me were pulling over to the side because visibility was so bad. Hope those 60 acres are located on high ground.
Wow, great picture! Looks like something out of a magazine.
Nice 'Baltimore' butterfly. Also nice that the color scheme exactly matches the Orioles - our baseball team.
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