Sunday, July 14, 2013

Eldeberry blooms

Went out early and picked wild yarrow and ox-eyed daisy in the fields. Made for a pretty bouquet of white, yellow, and palest pink (as yarrow ages it turns from white to pink). Bopped over to see Aunt June at the nursing home (stopping off first to pick up coffee.) Aunt June was doing well. Had her smell the flowers I brought. Yarrow has a distinctive smell - not bad but certainly not flowery. She said they were fine and we arranged them in a vase by her bed. Then we drank our coffees and went exploring in and around the nursing home. Most of the staff seem to know June so she was greeted where ever we went. When it was time to eat, I delivered her to her dining area and told her next time I visit I'd bring a different wild flower bouquet. Am thinking of putting together gold and purple: black-eyed Susan's, blue vervain, and wild bergemot.

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