Thursday, July 25, 2013

Appalacian Brown butterfly

I stopped at McD's drive-thru to pick up coffee for Aunt June and me. "How can I serve you." said the speaker. "I'd like a small latte and a medium mocha, please." "That's a latte coffee and a mocha coffee." It confirmed. "What size?" Well, maybe they couldn't hear it clearly, I thought. "A small latte and a medium mocha." I answered. "That's a small latte. What flavor?" I'm not into flavors so replied, "Make the latte plain, no flavors." "Whole milk or non-fat?" Interesting, never asked that before. "Whole milk." I said. "And what size on the mocha?" Must be a new employee. "I'd like a medium mocha." I told it for the third time. "What flavor on the mocha?" It asked. "Mocha is chocolate and coffee. What other flavors would you add?" I asked. "We can add caramel." It said. Hmmm - Why not just ask me if I wanted caramel w/ that? "No flavors." I replied. "Will that be whole milk or non-fat?" it asked next. Pretty sure Aunt June didn't care so I answered. "Whole milk." I was beginning to wonder just how many more questions there would be on an order for two cups of coffee. However, that was it. Turns out they should have asked one more question. When I picked up the order, the mocha was iced instead of hot. All summer, McD's has been giving me a hot mocha (sans all of the questions too.) Wasn't sure if Aunt June would drink it but she didn't seem to mind. She was just happy to sit, talk, and drink coffee - even cold.

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