Monday, June 24, 2013

White Admiral butterfly

Carol, the dairy owner, said that tomorrow will be Melissa's last day as a milker. Don't know why she is leaving but I can't say that I'll miss her. Carol said her replacement will be Jody. Jody is the daughter of one of the night shift guys and is the person who I replaced when she left to go to school. She'll basically already know the work. We've changed from a one-dip to two-dip prep and have two bulk tanks instead of one now but not much else has changed. Oh yes, there is one other thing. She used to clean the parlor all by herself every other day. I did too until Mike graduated from high school and we started cleaning together and reduced the cleaning to only Mondays and Thursdays. Since she doesn't know that, the idea flickered through my mind not to tell her and have her do all of the cleaning. Okay - I've never claimed to be a particularly nice person. Don't worry, I'll still help clean (and hopefully so will Mike.)

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