Monday, May 27, 2013

Gold Thread flowers

When we work a holiday at the dairy we are paid time and a half. Therefore, we do only what has to be done. When Mike and the herdsman finished their work this morning, they came into the parlor to help Melissa and I finish the milking faster. Afraid we three women embarrassed Mike. Melissa started it. She asked Mike what scent he was wearing. She quickly added it wasn't that he had an odor but that he smelled. The herdsman stepped in to correct what Melissa had put rather badly but just made it worse. I told both of them to shut up because they were going to ruin it for the rest of us who just liked to sniff Mike whenever he's around. (The guy always smells wonderful.) Poor Mike, who is on the taciturn side anyway, couldn't help but blush. If this little episode causes him to stop wearing cologne, I will personally strangle Melissa.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So is it herdsman, herdsperson, or herdswoman in this case?
