Saturday, March 30, 2013

Whoopie - over 40

Usually the pope washes the feet of other clergy in a Vatican basilica on the Thursday before Easter. Lots of pageantry but short on meaning. I've been taught that Christ washed the feet of the apostles because he was showing humility and compassion. This new pope seems to think the same way. He chose to wash the feet of 12 inmates - people at the lowest ebb of their life. (Everyone seemed to accept that.) He journeyed to a detention center to do it. (Everyone could understand that.) Some of the people were Muslims. (A little concern among the Catholic heirarchy.)  However when the pope washed the feet of two women, the Internet lit up. (The Horror!)  Seems logical to me to include females in this ceremony.  After all, Easter is named after the goddess of fertility.

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