Friday, December 07, 2012

Pre - Christmas tree

One of the activities I planned for this weekend is to cut down a tree in the back 40, bring it home and decorate it. My problem is that, while I had bought a nice new chainsaw this year, I'd never used it. I'd planned on it being more of a toy for my brothers when they came to visit. I had to go downtown on town business anyway today so brought the chainsaw along and stopped in at the store where I bought it. I explained to Jim, the proprietor, that I needed a refresher course on how to use it. He was in the process of fixing another guy's saw and the other guy decided he would teach me while Jim worked. He was going too fast for me to comprehend each step and then Jim stopped him to tell him he was doing it wrong anyway. I was very confused. Jim started over and we talked over each part of how to get it started and I'm pretty sure I could do it now. However, think I'll bring along my hacksaw just in case. Good thing Christmas trees aren't too big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your brother's enjoy the "toys" you provide us to play with. Maybe next year we will have to try a little chainsaw carving on an old tree. It's a great saw by the way.
