Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Headache Medicine

Jose let me know that he had a pounding headache this morning. After ascertaining that there was no aspirin in the medicine cabinet (well ... there was LOTS of aspirin but only in capsules just a bit smaller and fatter than a wiener - for the cows when they need it) and that neither Mike nor Sephra had any, I went out to my car and retrieved my precious stash of Extra-Strength Excedrin. When I do have a bad headache, it's the only medication which has any effect. However, all Excedrin was recalled about a year ago because of factory problems. Fortunately, I had a bottle on-hand and I don't get headaches all that often so I still had some pills though my supply is dwindling. I gave Jose the recommended two capsules. Within 30 minutes, Jose let me know that his headache was gone.  This medication had a side-effect on me so I waited to see if it would do the same to Jose. Yep. Within an hour, I heard him singing and doing a little dance every so often. Given a couple of minutes of free time, he tied the fingers of his latex glove together and thought it was hilarious.  The same thing happens to me, I get very, very happy. A side-effect I can live w/.

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