Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friend Nancy

After listening to 21 hours of Undaunted Courage about the Lewis and Clark Expedition, I needed a book that would put me in a holiday mood. On the library website, I put in the words "Christmas" and "Murder", and started a search. Nothing like a cozy murder mystery, I figured, to get you in the proper spirit. As the search engine returned a list of books, I rejected them because I had either already read them or just wasn't interested - until I saw the title Wolfsbane and Mistletoe. Not a murder mystery but a collection of stories by various authors about werewolves at Christmas. Intriguing. The book has been a fun read and invoked the desired effect. I was singing Christmas carols at work and wishing strangers "Merry Christmas". By the way, there is no connection between my putting Nancy's picture on the blog and werewolves!

1 comment:

Sharon and Stephanie said...

Susan, thanks for the suggestion on the read. I enjoyed the many different ideas the writers came up with. I am going to read more of the one author I really enjoyed.
Sharon Bahmuller