Monday, December 17, 2012

Foggy Quarter Moon

It's part of the dairy business that eventually a cow is culled i.e. sent to auction. She is caught right after milking, the trucking company picks her up, and she is auctioned the same day. Logically I know who will probably buy the cow but I prefer this fantasy that an elderly woman w/ her little granddaughter will buy the cow at auction so they can have a milk cow. Recently, the herdsman asked us to catch a cow because she was due to be sold. Jose made a cutting motion across his throat to indicate that the cow would be hamburger by nightfall. I firmly said to him, "No, no, Ella va a casa de la abuela." ("No, she's going to grandma's house.") Jose gave me a quizzical look and went back to work. Poor guy. Who knows how much I've confused him? Or maybe he was just thinking, "Loco Chica".

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