Saturday, November 10, 2012

Burl Pens

I volunteered at the library this morning. It also happened to be the morning that the Friends of the Library had their annual White Elephant, Books, and Bake sale. The prices are set on each item so they sell quickly and there is no haggling. I picked up a crock-pot (larger than the one I now own), a artist kit (crayons, pencils, and paints), a tin of home-baked cookies, a small English sugar dish, and two books from the early 1900's for less than $10. Oh yes, also bought a green apple scented candle. A teenage girl who frequents the library was telling me she would like the candle but only had 5 cents w/ her. So I bought it for her. Figured I could afford a gift of 15 cents - the candle's cost.


Anonymous said...

You're very generous; buying candles for little girls, giving freezing, small boys rides. Proud to be your sister (in-law). JVM

Anonymous said...

In your remark Tues about the Floridians wrapping up; yes we do like it warm! But don't forget at least 75% of population has come from 'up North!' We know what COLD is and we understand HOT!I'm happy for the warm the 6 months that other states are shoveling white stuff. JVM