Sunday, October 07, 2012

Autumn color in the swamp

Picked up my friend Nancy, had breakfast, and then we went to church. I'm starting w/ that line because she said she doesn't read my blog unless she might be mentioned! Church has changed it's hours so first service is at 8 a.m. Nancy and I give ourselves 15 minutes to drive to church and find a pew. We take an hour for breakfast however added a little extra time to catch up on gossip. That means to pick up Nancy at 6:30, I'm driving through the woods just before sunrise. It's a killing field at that time of the day. My headlights shine on dead deer at the side, large splotches of blood on the pavement, other animal carcasses still in the road. I drove 42 mph all the way so I was a couple of minutes late. Small price for I and the car arriving intact and the local wildlife safe.

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