Sunday, September 02, 2012

Young Stag

Indy and I were out for a late afternoon walk along some of the mowed paths thru the field. I looked behind me and saw a large stag come out of the tall grass followed closely by this younger one. The older deer disregarded Indy and I completely. He's probably watched us enough to know that we would keep going along the path in the direction we were walking so he was safe taking the same trail but traveling in the opposite direction. His younger companion wasn't so sure (or maybe it was because he was the one bringing up the rear). Indy didn't give chase and I certainly wasn't going to. We all turned back and went our own ways.

1 comment:

Brent said...

Suprised that Indy didn't go "herd" the deer for you. Nice picture. Seems like the deer was posing for you.