Thursday, September 20, 2012


I stopped by to see some people new to the community. They wanted to register to vote. I asked for some proof of residence - usually it's their driver's license - but they hadn't yet changed either of their licenses from another state. They did have a utility bill w/ their name and new address on it so I jotted down their account number on the registration form. The county enters all of our voter registrations so I bopped over and turned in the forms. "Not so fast." said the clerk's assistant as I turned to leave. "Don't they have driver's licenses?" "No, they still have their New Mexico licenses." I explained. "The law states they need to change their driver's license in 10 days of changing address." she pontificated. I knew that the assistant used to work in the sheriff's office so she's a stickler for the letter of the law. "Yes, " I shrugged, "but that law isn't one I'm responsible to enforce." She thumped the desk w/ her index finger, "It's the law!" I smiled and waved goodbye. I'd let her have the last word - she'll be happy. Remember - never get on the bad side of any one's assistant.

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