Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sedum at dawn

A heifer had a problem w/ one of her milking quarters. The vet decided the best remedy was to cut that teat completely off. She's in the hospital group for awhile and tends to kick (go figure!) when we are around her. I think she'll settle down but it will take a little time. She kicked my hand just as I was post-dipping her remaining teats and the dip cup dropped onto the mat where the cows stand. I reached in between her legs to grab the cup. She suddenly lifted her leg bringing it down on my right wrist - squashing it into the mat. "Blast!" I yelled. (Fortunately, I don't use cuss words so one didn't inadvertently come out on this occasion.) Eric, the diary owner, and Kelsey immediately asked if I was OK (no comment from the misanthrope herdsman). Since my fingers were still attached and appeared to work, I assured them both that I was fine. During the course of milking, my wrist swelled up and was sore to the touch but not to an extent where I couldn't work. At the end of milking, Kelsey started rinsing down the parlor while I did the shut-down procedures. I was punching in the cleaning-in-process code on the milking system when Kelsey, who had let her mind wander, swung the jet hose on me. "Yeow!" I yelled (again, glad I don't commonly swear) as a high pressure stream of cold water hit my rear end and went up the back of my shirt. She immediately apologized but not much she could do about my being sopping wet. I squished out of the dairy this morning cradling my right arm - happy to have survived another work day.


Kathy said...

Yipes! Are you OK today?

Anonymous said...

HOw is the wrist now?
Do you have any such thing as workman's comp? I think this incident would fall under that category!