I hit a deer w/ the car on the way to work this morning. I called the sheriff from my cell phone. Car still was drivable so went on to work. Afterwards went to the body shop to get an estimate and then called my insurance agent. That done I sat down on the couch. Felt the tears welling in my eyes. Indy jumped up and put her head on my knees. I stroked her soft ears and realized that everything was OK. There was no carcass of a deer when I came home so it might have lived (I can dream, can't I?), my car isn't too bad - just not terribly aerodynamic at the moment, the body shop is very good - they've handled all of my deer mishaps, my insurance deductible for hitting a deer is $100. Cancelled the things I had planned for today and took a long walk w/ Indy in order to get my head back in the right place. Now ... if I could only find out why I can't seem to miss deer.
Maybe you should consider a good "beater" to drive to work. Maybe a big old truck. You could pimp it out with a gun rack, a huge front bumper, and plenty of primer. Would give you a little edge on dealing with deer, small animals, and slow-moving drivers.
Sorry about your experience. Not your doing. Have seen several instances where deer run right into the moving car! A previous co-worker hit so many deer enroute to work in Rochester from Owatonna, that he was given the title of "deer slayer". One of those unavoidable things that "just happens", have to move on. No people hurt, car is fixable.
OK what is the score now - Sue 5, deer 0? Oh I forgot the bear. Is a bear worth 2 deer?
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