Saturday, April 21, 2012

Putting up the wood duck house

Brent and Phil worked hard all day and by this afternoon were ready to put up the new wood duck house Phil made. They selected a site overlooking Gorgeous Gorge but a little up the bank so the pole would not be sitting in mud. The tin on the post is a predator deterrent and in this picture they are filling the bottom w/ cedar wood shavings. When the ducklings hatch, mom coaxes them to jump out of the box's hole. Hopefully, the box isn't too high, the swampy ground will be a soft place to land, and from here it's just a few feet downhill to the water's edge. Should be a perfect site for a wood duck. Just have to wait and see if one of them agrees w/ me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good. 5 of my 6 got used this year. One by a Hooded Merganser. Lot's of fun. If that predator guard doesn't work double it up with a cone also.